At Hill School, a diagnosis of learning differences doesn’t mean that you do “easy work” or get a free ride. It’s all about strategies and training so that students can define and achieve their goals. We’ve been hearing from successful Hill alumni and former students often this year, and the common denominator we see in each of these young adults is their commitment to enhance their strengths through hard work.
Work hard to achieve success. Hard work is required for success. Both of these phrases are heard over and over again at Hill School. The intensity of effort is an essential determinant of success in academics and in life for all students, but especially for those who learn differently. Our role models for hard work are visible every day at the school:
Our faculty and staff, who regularly go above and beyond the call of duty to come in early and stay late to prepare for special activities, work with students one-on-one, and plan for the future of the school;
Our students, who spend hours outside of school studying and practicing, and devote hundreds of hours to community service;
Our Hill parents and grandparents, who not only make the financial commitment to send their kids to Hill, but also commit their “free” time to the hard work of volunteering with HPA, Booster Club, on academic events, and on boards and committees;
Our community supporters, who promote the school tirelessly, volunteer their time and provide funds for scholarships and academic enhancements; and, Our Hill alumni, who are proving in their academic pursuits beyond Hill that hard work = success in college and life, as well.